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Dr. Aaron Stern
Dr. Aaron Sternaesthetic dentist, specialised in conservative dentistry and aesthetic prosthodontics
My name is Dr. Aaron Stern, aesthetic dentist, specialised in conservative dentistry and aesthetic prosthodontics. I like aesthetics and delicate aspects of life. Due to my maximalist nature, I strive to work precisely and painlessly. My main specialty is aesthetics. Whether it's teeth or the human face, the perfect result is my goal, so that my patients always leave happy.

    Dental treatments

    Dental checkup and evaluation

    General dentistry Is a wide range field that deals with evaluation, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of dental diseases, disorders and conditions.

    Our oral evaluations will include decay detection as well as preventive measures you can take to counter any issues.

    I aim to revitalise and perfect your smile so that you can have the confidence you deserve.

    • Exam and teeth cleaning
    • Dental crowns
    • Cavity fillings
    • Dental bridges
    • Custom dentures
    • Dental sealants
    • Root canal treatment
    • Dental bonding
    • Porcelain veneer
    • Teeth whitening

    Improve your current oral health as well as detect future problems before they become more serious!
    We also use this time to teach you about prevention so that future visits do not require more extensive treatment than necessary.

    We begin by expertly cleaning your teeth and thoroughly checking for signs of tooth decay and gum disease. We may require an X-ray depending on your personal oral health. Then we’ll ask a few questions about your current methods of dental care and with all the information gathered we will demonstrate proper dental care and suggest treatments for optimal oral health.

    We generally recommend regular checkup and cleaning every 6 months.

    What are the benefits of dental exams and teeth cleaning?

    The importance of dental hygiene cannot be overstated. If you don’t keep your mouth clean, bacteria can build up and form plaque which can lead to long term problems such as gum disease or tooth loss later in life. A good personal dental care routine that includes exam and cleaning can prevent these long term ailments from ever happening to you.

    If you are looking for a permanent solution to your dental problems, dental crowns can make your smile appear as new, as these are reliable treatment option used to repair even the most severe dental issues, offering a natural smile and a functional bite.

    Fitting a dental crown requires usually 2 visits to the clinic:

    First we remove any decay, shape the tooth, take an impression, and fit a temporary crown.

    At the second visit we remove the temporary crown and fit and adjust the permanent crown, finally cementing the crown into place, leaving you with a new, beautiful looking tooth.

    We know that dental work can stand out when not done properly. Our primary goal is to provide you with dentistry that is undetectable and a dental crown that looks and feels like your natural teeth.

    Restore the appearance of your teeth and also strengthen them with natural looking long lasting fillings. These are used to restore the appearance of dental problems caused by decay or a damage from an injury. Our fillings always look natural since we use only the best restoration materials available.

    Fillings are commonly utilised as a solution for the following issues:

    • Cavities
    • Broken teeth
    • Loose dental fillings from prior procedures
    • Tooth discolouration and dental stains

    Our restorations are naturally beautiful, they strengthen weakened teeth, and stop further deterioration of the tooth’s structure.

    The benefits of cavity fillings:

    • Low costs
    • Looks (restore chipped or cracked teeth)
    • Function (return to your normal daily routine of eating, talking, smiling and being yourself)
    • Simple to maintain


    Dental bridges are used to bridge the gap left by missing tooth. Individual teeth play an important role in your ability to speak, chew and maintain proper alignment or nearby teeth. When you are missing a tooth all of these abilities can go awry.
    The bridge is used to bridge the gap when the tooth (or teeth) are missing.

    The entire treatment will take 2-3 appointments to complete and afterwards you need to brush and floss along with your natural teeth at normal intervals.


    Loosing a tooth can severely impact the support your lips and cheeks need, causing them to sink or sag, as well as slowly but surely loosing your antagonist tooth as it is looking for its partner. Bridges can help with that too. A missing tooth can open yourself up to a number of potentially harmful disorders which is why a bridge is so helpful for your oral health.

    Dentures can be a great way to replace missing teeth.

    Made from sturdy acrylic, these are designed with your needs in mind so that you can regain the ability to eat and speak at more comfortable livable levels. Dentures can replace one single tooth or even all your teeth and they are truly life changing when done properly in the right circumstances. Over time, dentures wear down and need to be repaired in order to keep their functionality normal.
    Regular checkup are important for your new dentures so that the oral tissue can be checked for any new disease or changes.


    • Improve speech
    • Increase self confidence
    • Improve general quality of life
    • Keeping your mouth healthy and free from bacterial buildup


    Dental sealants is a protective coating used to prevent cavities and tooth decay.

    These are thin fluoride containing materials which are highly effective in the fight against tooth decay and cavities. They are applied on permanent molars from age 6 to 14 since these are the most cavity-prone years of their lives. They can last up to several years before they need to be reapplied, and they only take few minutes to apply.

    Root canal treatment is a necessary procedure used to save your teeth from being overtaken by infection by removing the tooth pulp, the innermost layer of the tooth when it has been injured, inflamed or infected in any way. In this way we attempt to save the tooth from being extracted

    The most common scenarios where we may suggest checking to make sure your pulp is not damaged in any way include:

    • Deep crack or chip
    • Sizeable injury to the tooth.
    • You’ve had many procedures on a single tooth
    • Rampant decay has set because of untreated cavity.

    The root canal is a common procedure that millions of people experience every year, yet there is still a stigma surrounding the idea of pain from this treatment.
    Modern medicine has made painful root canals all but a thing of the past for many patients due to availability of local anaesthetics and numbing medications that will make your experience as comfortable as possible.

    The treatment itself takes 3 visits, where we clean the canal and introduce medicine into it, then close the canal at the second visit, and then, depending on which tooth and how much of healthy tooth material is left we either make a final filling or a crown to maintain the strength of the tooth.

    Dental bonding is an alternative to dental veneer for restoring damaged teeth. It can be used as an affordable and effective treatment that corrects chipped, cracked or discoloured teeth. You can even change the size and position of the tooth, resulting in more durable, and stronger tooth.

    The procedure itself can be completed in a single visit and can improve the appearance of your teeth significantly. It involves etching the surface of the tooth followed by bonding liquid applied and then resin is sculpted into the desired shape.Finally the resin is trimmed, smoothed and polished to match the natural appearance of your smile.


    A veneer is a thin, tooth coloured piece of porcelain that is fitted over the front teeth in order to fix any imperfection like colour, texture, shape, and even positioning.

    The veneer is specifically used to recreate the natural look of your teeth while also providing strength and durability. The veneers can be life-altering if you’re not satisfied with the appearance of your teeth as they are stunningly beautiful to look at and they are incredibly durable as well.


    A bright smile is always in demand. And having your teeth whitened is one of the fastest ways to brighten your smile.

    There are 2 primary methods of whitening:

    • In-office whitening:
      This is typically done at a dental office by a dentist or dental hygienist. It involves the application of a high-concentration whitening gel to your teeth, which is then activated by a special light or laser. The procedure usually takes about an hour, and you can see immediate results.
    • At-Home Whitening:
      This method involves using whitening products prescribed or purchased over the counter, such as whitening trays, strips, or toothpaste. These products contain lower concentrations of whitening agents and require longer treatment periods, often a few days.

    The process generally involves the following steps:

    - Your dentist will evaluate your teeth and gums to ensure you're a suitable candidate for whitening.
    - For in-office whitening, a protective barrier or gel is applied to your gums to shield them from the whitening agent.
    - The whitening gel is applied to your teeth and activated as needed.
    - For at-home treatments, you'll follow the specific instructions provided with the product.
    - Over multiple sessions, the stains and discoloration on your teeth gradually lighten.

    Teeth whitening results can vary depending on factors like the initial tooth color, the cause of discoloration, and the method used. Additionally, it's important to maintain good oral hygiene practices to prolong the effects of teeth whitening.


    Consultation: 5.000 Ft
    Aesthetic filling: 24.000-30.000 Ft
    White fillings 25.000-30.000 Ft
    Dental plaque removal: 22.000 Ft
    Sandblasting: 10.000 Ft
    Cavity closure: 15.000 Ft
    Root canal treatment: 25000-33.000 Ft
    Root filling: 25.000-33.000 Ft
    Extraction: 20.000-30.000 Ft
    Metal ceramic (porcelain) crown: 55.000 Ft
    Circonium crown: 85.000 Ft
    Pressed ceramic Inlay/Onlay: 85.000 Ft
    Teeth whitening: 90.000 Ft
    Direct dental veneer: 50.000 Ft
    Indirect veneers (E.Max) : 120.000 Ft
    Removable denture with plastic plate: 120.000 Ft
    Removable denture with etal plate: 150.000 Ft

    Before - After the treatments

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      Gödöllő dental clinic

      2100. Gödöllő, Kossuth Lajos u. 34.

      Tuesday: 12:00-19:00

      Wednesday: 12:00-19:00

      Thursday: 09:00-15:00

      Friday: 09:00-15:00

      Budapesti dental clinic

      1016. Budapest, Hegyalja út 23.

      Monday: 9:00-16:00